Siamese twins are complex children, regarding the future life of which is very often mistaken, even competent and very experienced medical professionals. Accurately predict whether separation will benefit these twins, or they will have to live together, it is very difficult. Sometimes doctors are wrong in such matters.
So, for example, it happened with the twins from the family Kolestein.Girls Niamh and Nellie were born with conjoined heads. In this case, each of them has its own body and brain. This is a very rare pathology among Siamese twins, which occurs in about 3-4% of such children worldwide. The medics, together with the parents had to decide the fate of the twins, which surpassed all possible expectations after 19 years.
When the girls were first born, the parents were convinced that the separation was necessary. They had no idea how their daughters would live in the future. The sisters could not do without each other, with the posture of their splicing being extremely uncomfortable. Neither Nellie nor Niamh can even see their own reflections in the mirror.
The difficulties the sisters face in their daily lives are very difficult to describe. It is as if they are one unit, but at the same time, the girls – two different personalities, each of which has its own interests.When parents began to insist on the separation of the twins, the doctors refused.
Specialists objectively evaluated the situation, and concluded that after such an operation, the sisters would not survive. Not only were their heads joined in the womb, but the girls shared an artery that was crucial to their survival. If it is damaged during the separation, they cannot be saved.
That was not the responsibility the medics took on. The doctors honestly told the parents that their daughters would live to be 10 years old at best, which is the absolute norm for twins in such a situation. But both mom and dad, and the girls themselves, believed in the best. Contrary to what the doctors predicted, the sisters are still alive.
They are now grown-up girls, Niamh and Nellie are 19 years old now. This case was one of the most unique in medical practice. Doctors were genuinely surprised when they learned that the sisters not only managed to live to a conscious age, but also fully developed.
To demonstrate to those around them that they are separate and full-fledged individuals, the girls maintain an account on social media. There they talk about their interests, hobbies and share their unusual life experiences, which has already become a worthy motivation for many people around the world.