Unfortunately, not everyone has healthy, thick, long hair, but there is one girl who really succeeded because she was born with such beautiful hair. Her name is Mia Aflafo.
Many people who see the girl don’t believe her hair is real. It seems that she is wearing a wig or a photoshop effect.
The girl became famous after she went to a hairdresser. It turned out that her mother asked the master to make an interesting haircut. After completing the work, the hairdresser posted the result of the work on his page.
Since the man was already used to the girl’s hair, he became her personal stylist. Today the girl has her own social page and a lot of subscribers.
It is scary to imagine what will happen when this beauty grows up, if she is already winning hearts as a child. Most likely, we will see her on the covers of magazines and on the catwalks of fashion shows.
Now seven years old, she has green eyes and very gorgeous hair, and she charms everyone at once.