This story took place in Tucson, Arizona. Parents were getting ready to celebrate their son Teddy’s 6th birthday and offered the birthday boy a choice of three celebration options: a trip to Disneyland, Legoland or a feast with friends.
The boy decided to celebrate the holiday together with his classmates and invited the entire class of 32 people to the pizzeria. However, no one showed up at the appointed time. Mazzini’s mother was surprised, because no one called her and told her she couldn’t make it. Half an hour later, she decided to act and published a post about the failed party on the Internet.
Network users could not stay away, and in a few hours the post was read in the city, in the country and around the world. Teddy received congratulations from all over the world, and the local basketball team presented the family with tickets to the Vip Zone for the next game. Because of the flurry of congratulations, the woman had to delete the post. She explained that she didn’t want to be the center of attention of so many strangers.
The kid stopped being sad pretty quickly, especially since his dad, who works in Alaska, came to visit him for his birthday. The boy walked with his parents all day and played the machines. After spending the whole day with his father, by evening he felt absolutely happy.The classmates, who forgot to come to the party the next day, apologized to Teddy and explained that they simply forgot about his birthday.
Unfortunately, stories like this happen all the time. Children wait for a birthday party, parents prepare tables and make reservations at cafeterias, and then it turns out that no one came to the party, as in the case of Teddy’s class.
And in a couple of hours a kid who wasn’t even close to them becomes world famous, thanks to the huge number of devoted followers. But, unfortunately, the opposite happens when a cry for help goes unheeded. Fortunately for Teddy and his mom, this is not the case for them!