Often dog owners raise their pets so well that they are willing to trust them to take care of children. After a child arrives in the family, the animal looks after him for a long time, but a little later tries to be near him all the time and protect him. This is what happened in the family of Marlon Grenan, who is professionally engaged in training dogs to protect people.
The man’s family has two young children and a large pit bull named Hulk. On the outside the dog looks formidable, but only Marlon and his wife Lisa know how much their pet loves children.They trust Hulk to sit next to their newborn son. The dog licks the baby devotedly, thus taking care of him. The owners are calm, despite the fact that the pit bull is a serious breed.
After all, Hulk was just as affectionate in taking care of their eldest son.Lisa and Marlon realize that a bite from their dog could have serious consequences. The owner raises Hulk and dogs like him to protect celebrities, police officers and other people.But the owners of the pet also understand that behind the outer shell of a formidable beast hides a gentle animal with a healthy and stable psyche.
They can safely entrust the dog to look after children.Hulk got a lot of fans after his owner posted a video of the dog’s interaction with children on the network.The owners are happy to have a massive yet affectionate dog in their family. He gives support to the family, surrounding them with care and a sense of security.