The unprecedented natural disaster that struck eastern Kentucky has left many homeless and left many counted as missing. Almost all families were affected by the flood. The disaster confirmed that dogs are family members, not just pets.
Seventeen-year-old Chloe Adams, who was at her grandfather’s house with her dog during the storm, was able to react with amazing speed to save her pet.
Chloe’s father recounted that the dog and the mistress missed her grandfather taking shelter on the roof of his own house. To prevent the dog from drowning, the mistress placed him in a bucket and then swam to the roof of the neighboring house.
The brave girl was forced to swim out in the dark against the current.
Thus the dog and Chloe found themselves on the roof of the neighboring house in the midst of a flooded city. A few hours later, the girl was rescued by her grandfather, Larry Adams, in a kayak.
He later said that his quick-witted and brave granddaughter had had to swim 64 meters in the dark to safety and that the current was very strong. On his social media accounts, he wrote, “I’ve never been more excited about kayaking than I have been lately. Chloe spent quite a long time waiting while there was a chance to get close to her.