The man invested in the purchase of a dilapidated home, and was criticized by his friends. Crazy,” they thought. Why did he buy an abandoned farmhouse built in 1918? The new landlord was subjected to taunts, but three years later there was no trace of them: the dilapidated property had been replaced by a splendid yard with a well-kept old mansion in the center.
For the inveterate dacha owner, it all started with a desire to get away from the bustle of the city. He found a deserted farmstead with a convenient access road about 100 km from Minsk. Over the next three years, this house underwent a renovation that it had not known for many years of existence. And the yard area was transformed beyond recognition.
This building was built in 1918. It looked abandoned, but was almost entirely preserved. The outward impression of ruin was false.The house looked unsightly only to those who are afraid of work. But the new owner was not that kind.After removing the debris, the man applied the rough painting and finishing. After that, the farmhouse began to look completely different. Then the owner installed plastic double-glazed windows. The landlord did all the work himself. There was not much time to spare, so the restoration process took too long.
A lot of work had to be done in the garden. Many trees were uprooted, but the man was in no hurry to throw away the old apple trees. He cleaned several apple trunks from the aged bark, covered them with stain and varnish. They turned out beautiful decorative elements, which the owner installed near the couch and in the corners of the kitchen.
There was also an abandoned well in the yard. It had to be repaired anew and superstructures had to be put in, for the finishing of which the owner chose decorative plaster. He also made the lid with his own hands.
The entire site was thoroughly cleaned and planted with flowering lawn.In total, the craftsman spent about $4,000 to restore the farmstead. But the expenses are quite justified by the magnificent result. The renovated house against the background of the well-groomed yard looks simply stunning.