The Botswana-based animal advocate has helped many animals find happiness over the years. But for one animal, the man became not just a rescuer, but a real father.One day, the man had to take away lion cubs that had been abandoned by their mother.
They were only ten months old and still did not know how to take care of themselves. Unfortunately, two of them could not survive. Of the three little ones, only one remained.The man decided to take him home with him. The lion cub turned out to be a girl. She was named Sirgi. The animal rights activist fed and watered the cub himself. It took a while before Sirga became a proper lioness.
Even though she has grown up, Sirgi still has a strong attachment to her rescuer, whom she adores.Sirgi follows her rescuer literally on his heels and spends a lot of time by his side. The man has taught her to swim and hunt. He also regularly takes the lioness for walks.
The lioness considers the man her friend and trusts him.The animal is tolerant rather than loving towards other people. The man does not plan to let the lioness go into the wild, because she does not have the necessary hunting skills to survive.