Ten years ago, Casey Anderson rescued a baby bear. It was a Grizzly. The predator’s name is Brutus, and he is now the American’s best friend.The bear cub has grown, but Anderson is not afraid of him. The man believes that the information that bears are dangerous to humans is greatly exaggerated.
According to him, bears walk away at the sight of humans. They do not want to make contact. They may fight in an emergency, if they feel threatened by themselves or their offspring.
Casey was born and raised in Montana. He loved watching wildlife shows from a young age, he loved learning information about predators.
When he grew up, he became a rescuer.While traveling to Alaska, Casey accidentally spotted a bear cub, but by then she was no longer alive. He saw cubs around her. They were very small and weak. Only one cubs survived.
The American took the animal home and began to care for it. Without his intervention, the animal would likely have died. At first Casey wanted to give the baby to a shelter, but he couldn’t find a suitable place. He lived at Casey’s house. When the bear became huge, his owner contacted a bear research organization. Grizzly began living in a wildlife shelter that had been harmed by poachers.
Periodically, Anderson visits his friend. Brutus remembers his friend. He does not show aggression. At the shelter, he is well fed, the veterinarian regularly conducts examinations. The animal is not at all afraid of contact with people. Grizzly loves to be the center of attention and allows himself to be photographed. He does not hesitate to pose.