One day, kind people saw a pregnant cat on the street who needed help and took her to a shelter. The shelter volunteer Jenny decided to take the pregnant cat and give birth to her kittens safely. Unfortunately, the cat gave birth to only one kitten, he was perfectly healthy and very beautiful. They called him Maypel, and his mother was named Sidra.
A week later, a kitten the same age as Mapel is brought to the shelter. It was still very much in need of its mother and her warmth.
Jenny also takes this kitten to her home, knowing that she has a cat at home who can still feed milk and a kitten the same age. That together they would support each other and grow up happy.
When Jenny brought the kitten home and called Sidra to meet her new member, she didn’t accept it at first. But after one day, Sidra approached the kitten on her own and began to study its scent. At this point, Jenny was very worried and hoped that everything would go well. And a miracle happened, Sidra accepted the smell, took the kitten as her baby and gave the kitten some milk to eat.
The kitten was named Carnation, and it was a girl, a beautiful, sweet girl.
Sometimes she didn’t have enough milk, if Maple came first to her mother for milk, then Carnation didn’t have any more, and Jenny had to feed her from a bottle with other milk.
Every day Jenny watched the picture of Sidra loving her kittens and loving in exactly the same way. The kittens grew up happy and fed, warm and cared for.
If one of the kittens starts to meow a lot, then Sidra immediately ran to them and took pity on them.
Time passed, the kittens were growing up.
They began to actively learn the cat’s life and how to be a cat in general. They repeated after their mother how to use the litter box, how to sharpen their claws, how to climb on the window and look at the birds flying.
When the kittens will be three months old, they will start to look for a home with loving owners. And they will look for mama Sidra too, who will be able to love her as Jenny loved her.
And now the three of them are enjoying life in a warm, cozy home, next to their beloved rescuer, Jenny.