Bruno, a one-year-old puppy, had a bleak future before he was rescued from a life of abuse and neglect. But that was just the beginning of a much happier story!Since he was a puppy, Bruno had always been outside, chained up. When he was attacked by another dog, he couldn’t escape and lost his ear. But despite all the hardships, his will to live and love remained strong!
After Bruno got to the Wake County SPCA, he was accepted as a companion. No one would have guessed he had a special plan for his new toy… Bruno ripped off the ear of one of his favorite stuffed animals – the very ear he was missing! As if he wanted to show that his toy was still beloved, despite its “imperfection.” And who knows, maybe someone will see it the same way. The staff couldn’t believe it when they saw it.
The shelter took a picture, and Bruno’s story quickly spread. Fortunately, it didn’t take long for him to find a loving home!This shelter dog with a missing ear is proof that no matter what, our hearts can remain full of hope and love. The courage and resilience he has shown is truly inspiring. We wish Bruno and his beloved stuffed animal the best of luck as they begin their new life together!