Surely many people know the expression “there are no other people’s children. However, everyone interprets this phrase differently, because not everyone is able to fully take care of other people’s children. It is a tremendous job and a great responsibility. Laura Ruffino is a true heroine. The woman took four children under her care despite the fact that she had two of her own. Now there are 6 girls in the woman’s home who get along wonderfully with each other.This amazing story began many years ago, with the friendship of two girls. Laura and Elizabeth had known each other since high school. After graduation, their life paths diverged, but the girls continued to maintain their relationship.
Elizabeth was raising her daughters alone, and in 2014, the woman was diagnosed with a life-threatening condition. She had no chance of healing, and all she could think about was what would happen to her children when she left this world.When Elizabeth’s already poor condition deteriorated sharply, she decided to talk to her friend. The woman asked Laura to take care of the girls and she was assured that she would do so.
Laura and her husband, Rico, had four more daughters. Even though the family has grown significantly, the couple say they feel no discomfort; on the contrary, they are very happy. However, all happiness often comes with financial problems. Therefore, a charitable foundation was created for the Ruffino family, which managed to raise more than $87,000. With this money, the couple decided to expand the house, because they need four more bedrooms. In addition, the girls need a good education.