As a young British mother, Lucy Hatami decided to go out to a cafe. Of course, her 8-month-old baby.By the way, it was the first time they were in such a crowded and noisy place. But apparently the unusual situation made the baby fuss and burst into tears. Lucy did her best to comfort her grandson. Suddenly at a nearby table came the voice of a guy in his twenties: “Shut him up,finally!” The girl didn’t even have time to respond because a man, probably the guy’s father, walked up to her.
The girl didn’t even have time to respond because the man, probably the guy’s father, stood up and grabbed her by the ear. “Do you think you were different when you were a kid? You were a little bastard. Now go and apologize. Offer to bring him breakfast because his hands are busy,” the man said menacingly.
And best of all, the guy did just that, he apologized and brought the young mother a hot breakfast.Later, Lucy shared the story on her Facebook page, “Thanks to this father for, after Later, Lucy shared the story on her Facebook page, “Thanks to this father for, after more than 20 years, still remembering what it was like to raise a child,” she wrote.