Many modern parents are trying to translate their unfulfilled dreams into children. Children almost from diapers attend many sections, circles and tutors. Often adults forget that the child came into this world to be himself.In recent years, thanks to the Internet, there has been a tendency for young children to earn more income than their parents. From a young age, children pose for fashionable clothing brands and parents create separate social media accounts for them.For example, five years ago, a photo of a little girl with gorgeous long hair appeared online.
Thanks to social media, Mia Aflalo Shunem became known around the world. Mia was born on August 2, 2013 in Tel Aviv in an ordinary, average family.When the girl was five years old, her parents ordered a photo shoot for their daughter. The child behaved very naturally, and the pictures turned out great. As a result, her mother opened an account on the network on behalf of her daughter and began to post photos of Mia. The girl with gorgeous hair and beautiful green eyes attracted the attention of many users on the net. In a short time there were more than 100,000 people subscribed to Mia’s profile.
Internet users were divided into two parts. Some admired the beauty of the child, while others thought that parents decide the child of childhood.Now Mia is nine years old, two years ago parents decided not to post pictures of their daughter on the Internet anymore. They felt that their daughter was receiving too much negative energy toward her.
The girl has great creative potential, she will grow up and decide for herself what she wants to do. Currently, our heroine’s family leads a closed lifestyle. Mia goes to a regular school, she has no time for photo shoots now. First of all, the girl should get a good education, so her parents decided. The external beauty will pass in time, but the treasure that keeps a person in his soul can be eternal.The main task of parents to help the child find himself and give the starting resource. But not everyone understands this. Share your opinion in the comments.