Tessa was born unusual, and her parents knew about it beforehand, even when they did the first ultrasound during her mother’s pregnancy. Doctors diagnosed a rare disease – aplasia – before birth. According to the instructions in such a case, medics offer to remove the fetus under the indications.
But the parents were strongly against it. They dreamed so much about the child that they had no thoughts of killing the baby, even with abnormal diagnoses.
The birth of an unusual child.
Tessa pleased her parents when she was born, despite her defect. There was no limit to their happiness, because their daughter was loved from the moment of conception. And for mom and dad, Tessa is perfectly normal, just like the other babies. What distracts them from their normal lives are the health difficulties that Tessa does have.
Not only does the girl not have a nose, but she has problems with her eyes. One eye is blind after cataract treatment. Her heart is also unstable, although there are no obvious complications, the attention to the girl is not diminished by her parents.
They think about the prevention of problems and constantly take their daughter to examinations.Doctors made the baby a tracheostomy, so that she could breathe normally, while sleeping and eating – without a nose it was impossible. But this is not the only surgical intervention. When Tessa enters adolescence, she will be fitted with a prosthetic nose so that she can live a normal life when her face is almost formed.
Until puberty arrives, it is difficult to say definitively how much further the complex of problems with the various organs in Tessa’s body will progress or go away. We have to react in a timely manner and operate on her as needed. There is a possibility that heart surgery will be needed.Tessa now
The girl is 9 years old now and feels like an almost normal child, thanks to her mom and dad. She is developing well, she plays and draws, hangs out with her friends, has fun, reads fast.
The parents never regretted for a minute that they have a child with such a specific diagnosis. They do everything for Tessa’s happiness, for her to grow up happy and full.
Tessa and her parents are optimistic about the future, and they believe in the best. It was not for nothing that Mom and Dad believed in their happiness and saved their daughter’s life even before she was born.