There have been examples in history of unprecedented triumph of human generosity. The case of Dan Black, a Briton, can be considered just such a case.
Dan was hit by a car on his bicycle several years ago, as a result of which he came out of neurosurgery into this world on a gurney. The operation to get him back on his feet cost fabulous money for an ordinary Englishman – thirty thousand dollars.
However, the man did not despair and, with the support of his relatives, organized fundraisers for his surgery through the World Wide Web. Many caring people had heard Dan’s story and had transferred money to his account.
That way they were able to collect thirty thousand dollars. The joy of the funds raised was overshadowed by the fact that the stem cell treatment Dan needed to get out of his wheelchair would not be possible for several years for medical reasons.
That’s when Black learned the story of the Brecon boy. The five-year-old boy, struck by cerebral palsy, needs a stem cell treatment. But his parents and relatives don’t have that kind of money, which means no chance to live the life of a normal, happy child.
This story shook Dan so much that he began to find out how much it cost to treat Brecon Vaughan. It turned out that in order for the boy to walk, he needed thirty thousand dollars. After learning that, Black gave all his money to the boy for a complex orthopedic surgery to be performed in America.
In his interview with reporters, when asked why he did so, Black said he knew firsthand what it was like to live in a wheelchair. “Let little Brecon have a childhood and run around the playgrounds with the other little kids,” Black said.
A few more years and I won’t get any use out of that money, but it will give Brecon a full life back. Dan’s parents supported him in this action. He really deserves respect. May both of the characters in this article do well and get back on their feet.