Some hardships are less difficult to face when we are surrounded. This can be through our family, friends or even pets. They will always be there for us and can help us, as in the case of seven-year-old Jensen Stuart, who was bullied at school. This story is a perfect example of how dogs are truly man’s best friend!
The video has been viewed over 600,000 times and we can really see why! Rarely is a new friendship as obvious as in this video.In the video, we see the boy’s grandfather pointing to a box in the middle of the floor and asking Jensen to open it.
The surprised 7-year-old boy looks at the gift with tears in his eyes and eagerly begins to open it!And inside the box, Jensen discovers his new best friend! A puppy!The boy’s joy is immense when he discovers that he has a brand new friend. He named him Buddy, which means friend in French.”I’m Jensen, I’m your best friend,” the boy told the little dog.