This girl was bathed in luxury. Her image graced the covers of glossy magazines. Just a few years ago she was at the pinnacle of success, and today she’s scavenging for food and living on the streets. This story is about how you don’t have to live when you’re popular and rich. What happened to Loni Wilson and why the young and beautiful woman ended up on the street. Actor Jeremy Jackson and fitness model Lone Wilson always looked like a happy couple and lived a social life.
They didn’t skimp on shopping, vacationed at the best resorts and lived in a posh mansion in Los Angeles. They were welcome guests at private parties and did not deny themselves anything. But their happy look was just a pretty wrapper that hid a not so rosy reality.One day while they were vacationing in Hawaii in the afternoon, the police received a call from Loni. In her call, she informed the police officers that Jeremy had just tried to strangle her. As it later turned out, this was not the first time a man had raised his hand against Loni and threatened to kill her. As proof, Lon provided audio recordings.
The actor went to jail for several months. That was the beginning of the end. By then, drugs and alcohol had come into the couple’s lives. Jeremy got out of jail and continued to break the law. Soon he was arrested again for trying to steal a car. He also managed to attack a man armed with a knife. The actor faced seven years in prison, plus compulsory treatment for alcohol addiction.With his wife, everything was much sadder. After a divorce, she was left alone.
She found out that their house and car had long been mortgaged and there was nothing left to live on. The model became depressed. She stopped exercising and found solace in alcohol. She began to live on the street.Before being homeless, Loni tried to get a job and even worked for a while as an assistant in a cosmetic surgery center. It is hard to say why exactly, but the woman was unable to perform her duties at this or other jobs.
Most likely, the beauty was used to live off her rich husband, plus drugs, alcohol, and stress made themselves felt. At the moment, Loni is in rehabilitation. Various charities are helping her. Everybody is wondering whether Loni will be able to overcome her illness and return to a normal life.