In North Carolina, a high school student named Wendell Overton rescued a cat. And his act was recognized with an award from the Outer Banks SPCA. The organization rescues animals. The boy wanted to turn down the award because he thinks everyone would have done the same in his place.
Ten-year-old Wendell was out for a walk in the afternoon. His attention was attracted by shouting. Older teenagers were taunting a stray cat. It was making pitying noises, and the boy rushed to its rescue. At that moment he didn’t even think about the fact that there were three bullies and they were older. The primary goal was to save the poor animal.
Wendell started talking loudly to the guys to let the cat go, and wrestled her from the hands of her tormentors. Other people were passing by, and they interceded for the schoolboy bravely holding the tormented animal in his arms.
The boy brought the cat home. He fed it with milk and waited patiently for his mother to return from work. When she came, he told her everything. She took the animal to the vet and from there called the animal rescue organization.
Fortunately, the cat was not badly hurt. She had a few cuts and bruises. She was badly frightened by the unequal fight with the bullies. The cat is on the mend, while she lives with volunteers, but they are looking for a home for her.
By the way, it’s not a cat at all, as everyone thought, but a cat. And Wendell named him Jackson. His family cannot take him in because his mother is allergic to fur. But the boy is now called a North Carolina hero. This embarrasses him, but his mother is very proud of her son. After all, no one knows what fate the animal would have had if Wendell hadn’t passed by.