This incident occurred in Ukraine. One of the biggest babies was born here three years ago, he weighed seven kilos.The baby’s name was Nikolai and he was the only boy in the family. The child had seven sisters, the parents did not know that he would be a boy before he was born, and it was a real surprise for the father of the family.The husband did not believe until the last moment that he had a son until he saw the child in the maternity ward, which occupied two seats.
The mother of the child mentions that her previous child was also born with a lot of weight, but this boy was really a record holder.The doctors were also surprised. Unfortunately, today the family had problems to feed the children, they all wondered what to do because there was not much work in their area.So you have to earn extra money without depending on state aid.Fortunately, the child is quite quiet, unlike his sisters who were quite noisy.
There is very little information about Nikola, because the family does not publish almost anything.There are very few photos on the Internet where it seems that a big and strong young man is growing up. Despite all the problems, this family is very happy, which is the most important thing.