To be the first in something is sometimes an achievement and at the same time a punishment. To be different sometimes is not bad at all, but a lot depends on nuances, and sometimes they are “set” by Mother
Maki Karrin is an ordinary girl, who always wanted to live the simplest life. But it so happened that because of its natural characteristics, she became famous. After all, the fact is that Maki is the owner of the longest legs in the world
.At the beginning of her popularity Carrine was only 17 years old. It was at this age that her name was already included in the “Guinness Book of Records”. She was called the “long-legged beauty”, the owner of the “alien” appearance. In principle, this is true, as the girl is 208 cm tall, which already distinguishes her from the rest.
About the length of her legs Maki did not think about it until she had to sew leggings to order. It was at the tailor’s shop that the amazed staff told her her legs were 135.3 cm long. They had never seen anything like that!
The first publications appeared in the media, the first interviews. Macky was not shy about speaking about her life. As it turned out, there were still disadvantages to having too long legs: it was hard for a girl to sit in the car, to find clothes that fit. And a lot of everyday things also bring discomfort.
However, Maki was able to make the right decision, and she decided to use her popularity in the mainstream of bodybuilding. The fact is that she has long been complexed by the peculiarities of her appearance: too tall, long legs – something quite unique and unusual.
Living when many people perceive you as an alien is not easy, but Carreen learned to find harmony with herself. She started pages on social networks, where she constantly promotes one simple, common sense idea – it is necessary to love yourself any way.
Thanks to her courage, Maki was able to love and respect herself. And, of course, this is also reflected in her relationships with others. The girl’s mother constantly repeats that she is very proud of her daughter, because she was able to do quite a difficult thing – to accept herself at a very young age and sincerely love herself.