Sometimes life is completely unfair to us. Many call it fate and give up hoping for a miracle from the outside. And many all take life by the bridle and make it their own way in spite of limitations and adversity.
Such are the Siamese twins Sona and Mohna Singh of Punjab. Their parents abandoned them at birth and they had to live in poverty in remote shelters and slums in New Delhi, making ends meet until recently.
Their lives changed dramatically after these twins became a worldwide sensation, last year the media released a report about them having two different paychecks for work.
Speaking to reporters from the Independent last year, the twins said one thing: “We are grateful to the Punjab government for recognizing our talent and the opportunity to prove ourselves.” However, in an interview with the Ruhi Cenet channel this year, the couple said something completely different.
The brothers told a youtuber that they earn only $245 a month working as electricians in the local government and they are paid one salary for two.
Subscribers and the public of course immediately reacted, they were inordinately outraged at the idea of two individuals, though having one body, but still having two heads, earning one rate on their salaries. Together, proving loudly that this was unfair and that these people should have two separate incomes for the work they were doing, they got their way.