The farmer went to the source of the sound and found a little bear cub there. He was a little scared, but it was a cub, even if it was only a small one. The cub was also afraid to go into unknown territory, but it did not go anywhere.
The farmer could not decide what to do with the uninvited guest. The man hoped that his mother would come looking for him, but she never showed up. There was a high probability that the bear cub had left his family long ago and had come to human territory in search of food.
The bear cub’s parents would not be able to find him. The farmer eventually decided to keep the cub and received official permission to keep it.
As of today, the cub is still living on the farm. She is not very fond of strangers and may even scratch anyone who tries to pick her up, but she is very fond of the farmer and his family. The man even decided to build her a big cage to make her feel comfortable.