We all like to be unique. But some people are so unusual that it’s hard to believe they exist.
Granny with a horn
Zhang Ruifang, 101, a resident of China, has been observing an enlarging growth of unknown origin on her own forehead for more than a year. And everything would be fine, but these harmless bumps very much resemble the devil’s horns.
And if one horn can be written off as a coincidence and a bad joke of Mother Nature, the new symmetrical growth on the other side of his forehead, which began to grow later, just shocked those around him. In just one year, the first growth had grown from a small bump to a six-centimeter-long, dark-colored horn. The second has only just appeared so far, but continues to grow larger every day.
The unfortunate old lady’s younger brother, 60-year-old Gouyachen, was very concerned about his sister’s problem and sent her to the hospital for an examination, where the medics were perplexed. “At first we all didn’t pay attention to this growth, but now I just don’t know how to comfort my sister,” reports Gouyachen Zhang.
Funnel-shaped growths sometimes appear on the skin of older people, but they rarely grow to this size. Doctors continue to investigate the cause of the “devil’s horns” and ask relatives to be sympathetic to the elderly woman’s problem.