When a child grows up without parents, he is very likely to go looking for a “missing” family member.
Jason Kelly was without a father when he was not even two years old. However, his father kept in touch with his son until he was 12 years old.After that, their meetings began to occur less and less frequently, and then stopped altogether. A year ago, the young man learned that his father had been forced to live on the street – this news was the beginning of the search for his father.
None of the closest relatives had any idea where the man was now. An Internet search also yielded no results. But a unique story was brought to the attention of journalists, who helped to figure out the whereabouts of the boy’s father.On Christmas Day, the boy went to meet his father. When he knocked on the door, an elderly woman appeared on the threshold and called his father. But the man’s reaction surprised the boy – he rushed away from him.
I shouted: “Daddy, it’s me,” and caught up with him. When we both calmed down a bit, the father asked a few questions about the family. Then he tried not to meet my eyes; they were full of tears.”After what happened, Jason is trying to accept this turn in his life, because he realized his dream and found a family member. Even though the reaction was not what he expected, the boy considers it a true New Year’s miracle. To stay in touch with his father, Jason gave him a gift in the form of a smartphone.