Beauty Paisley Langworthy has entered numerous beauty pageants since she was four years old. The little contestants have large armies of fans, but few of them know what the girls really look like. They are only interested in the bright picture, not in what is behind it.
The story of this girl interested many people when a loud scandal broke out on a popular American resource. One user published a picture of Paisley in a contest outfit and with bright makeup, and her usual photos from life.
Of course, the first ones to react were angry mothers whose daughters were playing with dolls instead of prancing around in front of judges, but in contrast were people who saw nothing wrong with little girls competing with each other, stressing and spending lots of time in tanning beds so that they looked good.
At one point, Paisley’s mother had to hold people accountable, and she stated that her daughter voluntarily competes and enjoys being a winner.Plus, she spends a lot of money on a cosmetologist, makeup artist, stylist and her daughter’s fancy outfits.
And any investment has to pay off. Naturally, people are irritated by this approach, and the mother got plenty. The girl immediately got a social networking account, where she posted not only pictures from competitions, but also showed her real life.
The righteous anger of the users did not touch the child, whom her mother was turning into a grown-up woman through make-up and outfits. No one wrote angry comments on her page, only a few people asked her not to ruin her childhood and refuse to participate in contests.But if you go to her account, you can see that all the wishes passed by.
The girl still storms through contests with battle paint and shares her successes. She’s only 13 years old, but she looks much older. Or rather, looking at her face, you can safely give her 20 years old, but her body belongs to a small child.