This dog named Bonnie has lived in an animal shelter for years. The dog was adopted nine times, but was returned each time.
Now he is no longer alive, he died of cancer, which is very sad. The animal could not beat the cancer, he remained in the shelter for many years with his loving guardians.
The poor animal spent his entire life in the shelter, unfortunately, there are dogs who are not so lucky. They even made a statement about him, but even that didn’t help the dog find his owners.
They adopted him and returned him a few days later, after which he became more aggressive. And after each new adoption, his situation became more and more difficult.
Meanwhile, the most important person to him was his friend Utan, who walked the dog, and he wrote an obituary expressing his grief and saying he was a dream dog, smart, lively, fun.
Bonnie also played a special role in the animal shelter. He lovingly cared for all the kittens, played with them and dealt with all the arguments.
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