This story is amazing in its unbelievability and the attention and kindness that was shown by a random passerby. Its protagonist, a homeless woman, had to go through many hardships until her online video changed her life in a matter of weeks. What was it like?
Emily Zamurka became homeless several years ago as a result of a brutal robbery, and since then she has had to literally survive on the streets of Los Angeles. One day, the Russian-born woman was singing in a subway station when a patrol policeman videotaped her.
He later posted the tape on the Internet, and the homeless woman’s beautiful singing spread like wildfire.According to Emily herself, she never trained her voice in schools, thinks she just has a natural talent. She has always loved to sing and play the violin.
In fact, she used to be able to make money playing the violin, but one day an unknown criminal robbed her. After that, problems quickly escalated, she couldn’t pay her bills, and eventually the woman was evicted.
“People treated me badly, even though I never hurt anyone,” Emily told a local TV station, “I was hurt by the way people looked at me on the street. I always wanted to touch people’s souls, that was my goal. I only have a voice for that.
“After a passing policeman named Hector Guzman filmed a woman performing a Puccini aria right in a subway station and posted the video online, more than a million people watched it. Many commenters wrote that they recognized the woman from the street, who is a very kind and nice person.
Delighted commenters, touched by her performance, left appreciative comments and expressed hope that the video would change the fate of the skilled soprano. Social media began a serious search for the mysterious singer, and local news outlets eventually tracked her down.
In addition, those who cared raised $100,000 for the poor woman with the angelic voice, which helped her get back on her feet physically and mentally.The woman said she was touched by such support and sincerely believed that her life would fundamentally change. When she met the policeman again, she couldn’t hold back her tears.