This woman of forty-plus years refuses to smile. Why does she do that?
In media interviews, the woman often states that the lack of wrinkles on her face indicates that she has learned to control her facial muscles during her emotions. She also says she has not used Botox.
And her current youthful appearance and lack of noticeable wrinkles is just the fruit of her hard work on herself since her teenage years. She hasn’t laughed or smiled since she was a teenager, even in the most appropriate situations. And the result is in your face and on your face.
Kim Kardashian once admitted that she doesn’t often smile for selfies because she worries about the wrinkles on her face. And Tess’ experience prompted her to do so. Tess herself states that she is vain and wants to stay young. Her strategy is more natural than Botox and more effective than any expensive beauty cream or facial.
According to dermatologist Nick Lowe, it’s not as crazy a step to rejuvenate yourself as it may seem at first glance. He argues that it is an effective method of combating aging. And already several celebrities not only the Kardashians have adopted it from Tess. Dr. Lowe says that wrinkles appear because the muscles in the cheeks and forehead are constantly flexing and folding connective tissue under the skin.
And if you make a habit of minimizing your emotions on your face, you won’t have as many wrinkles on it. Tess admits that sometimes it can be difficult to remain silent and hold back a smile. She even controlled her emotions during her marriage and the birth of her children. During her daughter’s wedding. It was difficult, but she was able. She perfected her nonchalant facial expression.
Her friends and acquaintances call her Mona Lisa. They say the Mona Lisa rejoiced quietly. So did Tess. She says she is rejoicing somewhere inside herself, but she does not show it visibly. Psychologist Amanda Hills states that the more a person smiles, the happier they feel. When you smile, endorphins, the so-called “happiness hormones,” are released.
And they make a person feel good. Meanwhile, the absence of a smile has the opposite effect. A face without emotion prevents the brain from picking up the signal that a person is happy. And just as a smile attracts people, an unhappy look can scare them away. But that is directly up to each person’s choice.