Every girl wants to be the owner of a slim figure. But sometimes the desire for perfection ends up with serious health problems. Some girls abuse diets too much, limiting themselves even in the most necessary things. Then they are forced not only to gain weight to save their lives, but also to be treated for severe psychological disorders.
It was in this situation was a Vietnamese woman Sara Rav, who lives in Australia. Before Sara began to lose weight, she lived as a very ordinary girl: attending classes at the institute, socializing with friends, full meals and simply lived. Sara studied at the medical school, so she clearly understood that you should not deplete your body.
But despite this, the girl continued to adhere to a strict diet, regularly exercised, loaded herself with additional tasks to get rid of extra calories.So it went on until Sarah finally weakened. The girl became emaciated, had difficulty moving around, and performing even basic life-saving tasks became a real problem for her. Instructors from the institute paid attention to the girl’s condition.
They advised Sara to see a doctor. But the girl was afraid to use medical help until the very last moment. Only when the situation finally got out of hand, and Sara realized that every day she was feeling worse, she went to the clinic.At the time of the examination, the girl weighed 27 kilograms. The specialists immediately began the process of recovery of the girl.
First of all it was necessary to put on weight, and only then to solve the accompanying psychological problems. It took three years. There was no way Sara could not get better after hard sitting on diets. Anorexia nervosa caused the girl’s body to refuse to take food for a long time. As a result, Sara managed to gain only 18 kilograms during this period.
Now the girl is physically healthy. Sara began to eat normally, lead a healthy and measured lifestyle. But the girl has not yet managed to get rid of her psychological problems. Sara does not hide it. She realizes that the recovery will take more than a year. But the girl is ready to work on herself. The unpleasant experience taught Sara to trust the people closest to her and to ask for support when she needed it.