Twins or not twins. People from different parts of the world. A few years ago, in September, 17-year-old Santana Gutierrez, a student from California, went to the mall to pick up her refurbished phone.To pick up her refurbished phone. At the mall, Santana and her friend approached a girl named Isabella, who was handing out gifts.As Isabella was talking about the organization, Santana realized that she looked a lot like this stranger.As Isabella was talking about the organization, Santana realized that she looked a lot like this stranger. Isabella felt the same way, so the girls exchanged contacts and took a picture.
They posted the picture on a social networking site – and soon they were famous all over the world… Four months after Isabella and Santana met at the mall, another “twin” appeared on the scene.Social media user Lexie Morins sent a picture of the girls to her friend Ellie Hawley, who also looked a lot like Santana and Isabella.
After these incredible coincidences, the girls became world famous, and their parents said they had never met before.According to Santana, she still keeps in touch with Isabella and hopes to find more of her doppelgangers. “Believe me: meeting your doppelganger is an incredible feeling,” Santana says.