The story made a lot of noise, many newspapers wrote about it, almost all Internet publications, and TV people filmed the programs. The sensation was a cute little girl named Coney Loyd, who by the will of fate was born with an unusual nose.
All the time the child and her parents were teased by others, but later everything changed. What happened and how does the girl look years later? The baby was born a few years ago as a healthy, strong and cheerful child.
The only thing that distinguished the child from other newborns was a bright red spot on the tip of her nose. Doctors examined the baby and determined that this benign tumor (hemangioma) would disappear on its own after some time. For this purpose, a special treatment was prescribed, which was supposed to speed up the resorption of the mass.
The parents went home with the little girl, but time passed, and the spot only increased in size. In addition, every walk was like a test of humanity. Every passerby looked into the stroller and almost everyone tried to make jokes about the “clown nose”. It is worth saying that such behavior of people should not be normal in our society, because such ridicule can give serious psychological problems and complexes, from which as an adult it will be very difficult to get rid of.
Not surprisingly, the girl grew up very shy, and her mother tried to go out with the baby in the street at a time when there were as few people as possible, protecting the child from new witty remarks. In addition, the parents of this unique girl spent three years looking for a doctor who could help them. The family had to expend a great deal of energy looking for just such a specialist. Fortunately, they were successful.
The operation was successful, the girl, even though she was a three year old child, understood everything, and when she saw herself in the mirror, she said that now she was just like her mother. From the old education remained only a small scar on the tip of her nose.On Konya stopped paying attention to passers-by, the girl easily plays with children, has become more sociable and open. She is growing up smart and intelligent little girl to the joy of mom and dad.
Thus, the operation brought the child not only to get rid of the external flaw, but also gave her inner harmony. All that remains is to wish Connie and her parents happiness and health, and that people learn to think before they yell “wow, she has a clown nose” at the whole neighborhood.