The homeland of the plant is Southern Mexico, it is represented by perennial crops, this plant was named after a famous scientist who was also a botanist and pharmacologist.The Aztecs started growing Zinnia since 1500, but it appeared in Europe only in the 18th century and has spread widely throughout the world, and already at the end of the 20th century it has spread all over the world
Features of zinnia
Today, there are different varieties and hybrids of it in the world.The plant does not require serious care and is really very beautiful.Its sizes can be very different depending on which variety they belong to, they are of different colors, red, yellow, etc., they are not only blue.It blooms in the second half of June, it is a very resistant flower, it can withstand both cold and very hot weather.
It stands out for its beauty and is becoming more and more popular day by day, we can meet it both in gardens and gardens and flower gardens
Flower reproduction occurs through seeds, but this applies only to places where the climate is warm, and if it is cold, you should plant with seedlings.
The plant does not require much care, it is necessary to water it on time and make sure that the weeds do not multiply too much.
Zinnia diseases
In general, the plant gets sick as a result of too much watering or wrong planting, so you have to be very careful to avoid problems.In this regard, first you need to understand why the flower is sick, correct that defect and then start treating the flower, that way the care of the flower will be effective and the diseases will not recur.